Blog Update

A little blog update 

Hi everyone! I wanted to share a little blog update with you now that I've been working on this blog for a few months. Updating this blog has been quite the slow, arduous learning curve for me.   Things have been quiet on here for some time, for a number of reasons:

First and foremost, technical issues!

When I started this blog 8+ years ago, I whipped it all together on Tumblr, and then later on to Blogger, with little thought about the future of this blog. As a result, this blog was a bit of a digital mess. The blogging world has developed so much since I started, and I felt like I was being left behind. 

I have migrated everything over to Wordpress, so that this blog can grow more sustainably. I didn't want to continue posting until I had it all sorted, but this blog update has been taking a lot longer than I expected. I'm not much of a techie when it comes to this stuff but I had no idea what I was in for! I didn't know a thing about editing images, SEO, image formatting, coding, or even hosting. It was all new and so incredibly overwhelming.

Step by step - slow progress is better than no progress!

It's been a really steep learning curve for me, but I'm taking it step by step. There's information overload online when it comes to "How to..." anything, so I have felt overwhelmed on many occasions. Thankfully, I've found a few resources that have been very helpful such as Fiverrr for technical assistance.

This blog is and has always been a hobby for me, so unfortunately updating it is not high on my list of priorities. I do miss writing and posting and I am still sharing little snippets on my Instagram profile and my Facebook page.  

Thanks to everyone who has reached out about this, it's nice to have conversations in real life about my blog. I really appreciate it! I hope to be able to update everyone on this soon.


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